Format and schedule : PRO- SXY Follow the beach 2021
Mixed double pro:
Starting at 11h am on 15 December; check-in from 13h to 14h on 14th December.
With 12 team: 4 seeds, 4 groups of 3 teams, matches played at the best of one set of 7 games qualifying one team per group.
With more or less of 12 teams: knockout draw with 4 seeds and matches played at best of three set of 4 games with third set long tie-break .
Single men:
Starting on 16th at 9h. Check-in from 13h to 14h on 15th December.
Format: 8 seeds with bye in final draw, qualifying draw will be played in 8 groups of 3 athletes; matches will be played at best of one set of 7 games, qualifying one athlete per group. Final Knockout draw of 16 will be played at best of set of 7 games till the semifinals.
Semifinals and finals will be played at Best of three short sets with third set long tiebreak, on Friday 17th evening.
Women single:
Starting on 16th at 9h. Check-in from 13h to 14h on 15th December
Format: 4 seeds with bye in final draw, qualifying draw will be payed in 4 groups of three,
Matches will be played at best of one set of 7 games (in case of groups of only 2 teams, the match will be played at best of three short sets with third set long tiebreak). Final draw will be played at best of one set of 7 games till the semifinals.
Semifinals and final at best of three short sets with third set long tiebreak on 16th December .
Double men:
Starting on 17th at 9h. check-in on 17th from 14h to 15h.
Format: final draw of 16 teams, 8 seeds with bye starting knockout draw on 18th at 9am. Qualifying draw of 32 teams, 4 seeds, will be played at best of three sets with third set long tie break
Qualifying draw will start on Friday 15th starting at 9am.
Women double:
Starting on 17th at 13; check-in on 16th from 14h to 15h.
Final draw of 8 teams, 4 seeds with bye, knockout draw played at best of three sets with third set long tiebreak, starting on 18th not before 12h.
Qualifying draw, 4 seeds, knockout draw played at best of three sets with third set long tiebreak, starting on 17th not before 13th.
Check-in at referee desk or by phone: Oswaldo Neto (pro tournament Director) 00 55 11 983395730.
Modelo de disputa
Grupo + Chaves
Quantidade de grupos
4 grupos com 2 classificados por grupo
Formato dos jogos
Simples, 3 Sets, 4 Games com tiebreak no 4 a 4
Início das inscrições
Segunda, 01 de Novembro de 2021
Fim das inscrições
Quarta, 15 de Dezembro de 2021
Início dos jogos
Quarta, 15 de Dezembro de 2021
Fim dos jogos
Domingo, 19 de Dezembro de 2021
Valor da Premiação
De 1 até 99 anos
Limite de Inscritos